
Zambia is a country which relies on copper production and in the recent years it has been affected by poor international copper prices. It has a steady growing economy and it is investing heavly in the infrastruce of the country. All the main highways have been resurfaced and the towns have begun big clean up campaigns. Foreign investment is at it`s helm with big hotel chains moving into the tourist destinations.
Zambia has different tribes with the significant Lozi tribe, the inhabitatnts of the Barotseland. Part of the year they live in the flood plains of the zambezi river. When the river starts flooding and the chief feels threatened by the waters. A spectacular ceremony takes place for him to relocate to the palace in the high ground. The kuomboka is a very colourful ceremony. The kings barge is paddled by 110 men. The date of the ceremony is not set, you can wait for weeks before the drums start playing to signify the start of the ceremony.
It has a lot of remote game parks and safari areas. South Luangwa is a mecca for wildlife, holding the biggest leopard concerntration in Africa. It has a small international airport Mfuwe making it easy to fly from zimbabwe or South Africa. Sitting on the zambezi escarpment opposite the Zimbabwe mana pools is the Lower Zambezi National Park. This park gives you the wild feeling of remoteness. Herds of buffaloes,elephants and pods of hippos are found in abundance. On it\'s border with Zimbabwe lies Victoria Falls - commonly known as Mosi-oa-Tunya,or "smoke that thunders". You can view the Victoria falls from the zambian side, it is a less spectacle than the zimbabwe side. Livingstone has become a huge hub for tourists. It recently upgraded the international airport to accommodate visitors from South Africa. The best river cruises and white water rafting. A walk with the lions, an elephant ride and the popular bungee-jump. For the house boats enthusiasts,you can access lake Kariba from Sinazongwe.
Zambia has different tribes with the significant Lozi tribe, the inhabitatnts of the Barotseland. Part of the year they live in the flood plains of the zambezi river. When the river starts flooding and the chief feels threatened by the waters. A spectacular ceremony takes place for him to relocate to the palace in the high ground. The kuomboka is a very colourful ceremony. The kings barge is paddled by 110 men. The date of the ceremony is not set, you can wait for weeks before the drums start playing to signify the start of the ceremony.
It has a lot of remote game parks and safari areas. South Luangwa is a mecca for wildlife, holding the biggest leopard concerntration in Africa. It has a small international airport Mfuwe making it easy to fly from zimbabwe or South Africa. Sitting on the zambezi escarpment opposite the Zimbabwe mana pools is the Lower Zambezi National Park. This park gives you the wild feeling of remoteness. Herds of buffaloes,elephants and pods of hippos are found in abundance. On it\'s border with Zimbabwe lies Victoria Falls - commonly known as Mosi-oa-Tunya,or "smoke that thunders". You can view the Victoria falls from the zambian side, it is a less spectacle than the zimbabwe side. Livingstone has become a huge hub for tourists. It recently upgraded the international airport to accommodate visitors from South Africa. The best river cruises and white water rafting. A walk with the lions, an elephant ride and the popular bungee-jump. For the house boats enthusiasts,you can access lake Kariba from Sinazongwe.
Places to Visit
- Lusaka
- Livingstone
- Siavonga
- Mongu
- Ndola
- Sesheke
- Kitwe
- kafue National Park
- South luangwa National Park
- North Luangwa National Park
- Lower Zambezi National Park
- Liuwa Plain National Park
- Kasanka National Park
Getting to and Travelling around
Zambia is serviced by international flights into Lusaka and Livingstone. With small aircrafts servicing remote safari lodges. A brilliant bus service links all big towns. A lesser desirable kombi service links big and small towns and usually not on time. Every town has a taxi service and they are all blue in colour. Like any other destination get a rough idea of price first.
Best Time and Weather
Low season is a period where the rains are present and the game viewing is not great. Parts of the parks are not accessible. Shoulder season is when it is very green and a lot of calves are dropping. High season is when the weather and the elements are good for game viewing. The tall grasses are gone.
Low season - January, February and March
Shoulder season - April, May and June
High season - July, August, September and October
Low season - January, February and March
Shoulder season - April, May and June
High season - July, August, September and October
Important Information
Bemba and English
Zambian Kwacha
GMT + 2:00 hrs
British visitors travelling to Zambia can obtain a visa at the port of entry. You can also apply for an E visa online. If you are going to visit Zambia and Zimbabwe ask for a Univisa at the port of entry. Regrettably some ports do not issue this visa. Please check the cost of visa before travelling, it can increase without notice.
Bemba and English
Zambian Kwacha
GMT + 2:00 hrs
British visitors travelling to Zambia can obtain a visa at the port of entry. You can also apply for an E visa online. If you are going to visit Zambia and Zimbabwe ask for a Univisa at the port of entry. Regrettably some ports do not issue this visa. Please check the cost of visa before travelling, it can increase without notice.